Request Information
Ready to find out what MSU Denver can do for you? We’ve got you covered.
Please email the advisor or instructor you wish to speak with and request a time to meet in-person, via Microsoft Teams, or by telephone.
For questions relating to your Degree Progress Report, class scheduling, declaring a major/minor in Africana Studies, Graduation check, Academic Suspension/Probation, etc. please schedule an appointment online, go to the Student Hub (, scroll down to the Course Info section and click on ACADEMIC ADVISING. Advising appointments with Erienne Romaine, are now available via in-person, phone, and virtual (Microsoft Teams).
Erienne Romaine, M.A | Academic Advisor I
Africana Studies, Chicano/a Studies, and Anthropology/Sociology
Virtual Office Hours:
Monday – Friday: 9:00am – 4:00pm
[email protected]
Dr. Jacqueline McLeod
Comparative Black History
Dr. Ellamaria Foley-Ray
Cultural Anthropology
Dr. Devon Wright
Assistant Professor